We all have a few, and sometimes they are almost like a MAGICAL KEY to our path of purpose! How can that be? I never used to think that the laws of the Universe applied to me. My ego told me I could escape the tragic path of an alcoholic death my mother had laid out before me. I wasn’t, and the truth is nobody is exempt from an area that they may be pushing the envelope in. I thought I was exempt by thinking some of the rules of life didn’t apply to me. My EGO.
Especially when it came to my alcoholism. I knew I was an alcoholic at the age of 23. You might wonder how such a young person would know, but I was behind the eight ball with this disease. I was of Indigenous heritage, my mother was alcoholic, and I was already blacking out almost every time I drank. To be a young woman and wake up not remembering hours of the night before was terrifying. I would swallow hard at this hard truth and then I would say to myself. I am not like my mother. I am better, different, more in some way. (I wasn’t)
Thinking I could beat the cunning, baffling, and powerful disease of alcoholism. I also thought I was exempt from going through life and not getting bit in the ass with the one area that I had neglected. Not facing the truth of my drinking almost killed me and limited me from reaching full potential in many aspects of my life. Relationships, education, career and most important, my relationship with myself. If you are reading now and getting a twinge inside, you more than likely need to address something in your own life. (You can. Be honest and Brave with your life.) For decades I treated myself poorly. I beat myself up and abused myself with drinking and all the dark places, people, and situations it took me.
The other unvarnished truth for me is that I have PURPOSE. It is so evident. If WE live our unvarnished truth, things have clarity. And with clarity comes purpose. It is wonderful how the Universe really has your back. Once I faced my demon/ the bottle it was almost as if I was literally now placed on the right track. Which then put me on the right train. And although the destination was far, it felt right, and I was in alignment with my soul’s purpose. Which feels so good. Whatever version of higher truth you feel you can work on in your life…. is a full proof way to help get yourself in better alignment.
Because we are not exempt the harmful effects of not being in truth, or in alignment, in the first place. I share in the hope that someone reading may find within themselves to look bravely at some truths in their own life. It is not so easy, but it is courageous, powerful, soul work that keeps you safe from a not so good path you may be on. Allow yourself the nudge to really look at an area in your life that needs a little addressing. So that you don’t get bit in the ass down the road because NOBODY is exempt. But the cool thing is that YOU course correct a path you are on that you would like to change. One small action at a time. I challenge you today to make a good choice for you. It is in your power. LiveWell.