The “Courage To Believe”…..can take you anywhere!
My eyelashes remind me to be thankful I had the courage to believe.
They take me back to the time when the cancer took my hair and my eyelashes were all gone.
9 years ago in 2013 when I found out that a tumor had invaded my body and lived on my heart.
I am so thankful I had the courage to believe I would live.
Maybe it was a mixture of belief and hope, but I do know I was banking on the fact that it would magically go away.
That I was meant to live.
That my number was not up.
That the chemotherapy would break down the intruding tumor.
And if I am to be honest, it was scary and not so easy to choose to believe. But I did. Because I did want to live and I wanted the energy, hope and power that came with it.
I wanted to optimize my odds. It became simple to me. Belief was in my favor.
The odds are for you with a belief mindset.
I recently had a friend in the hospital who was faced with a similar challenge. I was witness to him choosing to believe his body would not reject his new kidney. And through the bumps along the way he kept believing. Even though there were moments he was afraid, his spirit and will to live worked with him and he made it through too!
The Courage to believe is not always easy but believing is for your good. Your highest.
And when we believe we keep our nemesis “Doubt” away.
And with courage to believe comes “Faith” in the unfolding.
I choose faith, I believe…….all I want is possible.
May you believe in yourself and your life today. In the big and the small, belief will take you there.